The authority online entertainment handle of the Mumbai Indians posted an image of Nita Ambani and subtitled the post, "Mrs. Nita Ambani is in the house for MI versus RCB." The proprietor had wore a MI shirt as she came to help the Harmanpreet Kaur-drove side for their last installation of the association stage before they head to the end of the season games of the second time of WPL.
Ellyse Perry's inside and out brightness directed RCB to the end of the season games, turning into the third group after MI and Delhi Capitals to qualify. Notwithstanding, the establishment must've taken certainty in the wake of seeing the group's proprietor coming to help them. Mrs Nita Ambani adulated the ladies atheletes for pursuing their fantasies.
"A full arena and what a stage for our young ladies to perform. I was simply watching this, and I said these young ladies are getting to play with the most elite on the planet, and it is such an endearing inclination like I just saw Sajana getting the honor now. Sajana is an alumni in political theory. Her dad is an autorickshaw driver, and she decided to play cricket. So I trust this sets a model for guardians to allow their young ladies to pick what they need to be," Nita Ambai said on Sports 18.